Sunday, August 10, 2008

honey harvesting!!

Bit of a break between Toronto photos (more of those to come)!

My friend Johnice and I are both pretty new gardeners, and in an effort to try to understand just how a city the size of Dallas could have so few options for fresh, healthy, affordable produce (particularly South Dallas), we are trying to "meet" as many gardeners, food activists and food security organizations as we can to see where Dallas' own solutions might lie. There are an insane number of healthy, thriving organizations throughout the States and Canada (check out FoodShare) to learn from!

Gardeners In Community Development is one of Dallas' most valuable resources - many volunteers strong, with two at its heart who make a shoe-string budget go a million miles - with 6 healthy community gardens in both East and South Dallas. The plots at their Church of Our Saviour garden are overflowing, and tucked in back they have 2 bee hives that they harvest twice a year...

IMG_1460, originally uploaded by cabeca dura.

Honey frames straight from the hive.

IMG_1463, originally uploaded by cabeca dura.

Honey frame with the wax covering - feel lucky I'm not trying to describe all this, I learned so much about bees that afternoon that I foolishly imagine I could host my own Discovery Channel segment.

IMG_1472, originally uploaded by cabeca dura.

Johnice scraping the wax away.

IMG_1486, originally uploaded by cabeca dura.

Josh, Johnice's son, turning the centrifuge.

IMG_1484, originally uploaded by cabeca dura.

Honey!! (The wax gets filtered out, but otherwise it goes straight to the bottles).

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