Wednesday, August 8, 2007

drumming on the North Coast

After visiting the site and talking with Jorge about Candomblé (an almagamation of several African and Indigenous Brasilian spiritual traditions) we dropped Meghan off to the airport and headed to a beach far, far up the north coast.

On the way, we picked up Wes (our culture instructor) and two of his friends - Pancho and the infamous Ivan*. This photo is of Ivan and Lauren drumming on the beach at sunset - the music inspired me to move and the setting took all the heaviness off my shoulders.

*Ivan is infamous because he helped found Olodum, a world-renowned drumming group from Pelhourinho (the old section of Salvador) - but also because he would, without any outward indication, let out a yell that would put a fog horn to shame. He also made incredible mouth music - like the magnified sound from a drop of water.

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