Wednesday, August 8, 2007

the Scavenger Hunt!

07ScavengerHunt_ChristineEFatima, originally uploaded by meganclk.

One of the ways we oriented the students to the city was with a Scavenger Hunt - 3 groups, 5 different places (each group had to go to 3 of them - an Afro-Asian cultural center, a beach, statues, markets, churches), 1 day, city buses and a lot of good energy.

This is Christine (L) and Fatima (R) who were in my group - we went to the Centro dos Estudos Afro-Orientais, but the school (Universidade Federal da Bahia) was on strike and the guard only let us in to look at the classrooms...we managed to find the creaky old door that opened to the roof and climbed out for a bit before we got caught.


ArchitectGail said...

Hey Megan et al.

I trust you are enjoying yourself. I've been working hard on my thesis...almost there.

ArchitectGail said...

hey there Megan,

Just a quick note. I trust you are enjoying yourself.
